It’s about time to start preparing dinner but you can not think of what to make and you are tired of the same ole tacos, pizza, hot dogs, spaghetti, etc.

You search through your cabinets, fridge, and freezer for something anything to just pop out at you but yet you are still at a lost. Then you remember a dish that a friend or relative told you about: Turkey Bolognese with Bucatini pasta noodles. Plus side you have all ingredients to make this dish so take a look at the list below and pull out all of those ingredients so that we can get started.

Bucatini & Turkey Bolognese Recipe


  • 2 lbs Ground Turkey
  • 2 Tbsp Olive Oil
  • 2 Tbsp Butter
  • 1 Medium chopped onion
  • 2 Large chopped carrots
  • 2 Stalks chopped celery
  • 6 Garlic cloves (chopped or minced)
  • 1/2 Cup Tomato paste
  • 1 Cup White wine (dry)
  • 2 Cups Chicken stock or broth
  • 1/2 Cups Heavy cream or milk
  • 1 lb Bucatini pasta
  • Salt to taste


  • Now that we have everything pulled out, lets get started on making this amazingly simple dish. Start off by chopping all of the vegetables to make the process a lot smoother for you. The last thing we need you to do is to start chopping after you have already started cooking which takes more time and more stressful on yourself to make sure that nothing burns.
  • After all the vegetables are chopped to your liking it is time to boil the Bucatini pasta noodles. Add a pinch of salt to the water prior to the boil.
  • While the Bucatini is boiling on mid to high heat, we can begin to sauté the vegetables. Add the olive oil and butter to your skillet turned to mid heat.
  • Soon as you see it begin to heat nicely toss in the vegetables to cook for about 5 to 7 minutes or until slightly tender. We do not want to cook them all the way through because we will have to cook them a little longer later on within the recipe.
  • After the vegetables have become slightly tender place them to the side until we need them later.
  • By this time the Bucatini should be completely cooked; drain the noodles and place them to the side until we are ready for them or you can even wait until after you began sautéing the vegetables to boil the noodles while you complete the next step.
  • It is time to brown the ground turkey. Use the same skillet that we sautéed the vegetables in to add those flavors into the meat, more flavor makes the meal taste better (in my opinion).
  • Brown until you no longer see any pink because one thing we do not need is under cooked meat so this is the one step that you can not short yourself on.
  • Browning the meat should take not even 10 minutes so once that is completely done it is time to pour in the remaining ingredients: heavy cream or milk (if you want to go with a healthier option), chicken stock or broth, white dry wine (your choice), tomato paste, and little salt for taste. Try to avoid going salt happy, the last thing we need is a salty pasta dish because then you will have to start over.
  • Once everything has been added make sure to turn the stove to low heat almost like a simmer but not quite. We will have the sauce cooking for about an hour. This allows everything to mesh together, marry each other or however you would like to put it to make an explosive meal filled with flavors throughout.
  • Stir the sauce occasionally to avoid any sticking at the bottom of the skillet. This is not a meal that you can walk away completely.

We are 40 minutes in on the sauce becoming thick, creamy, and delicious. So let’s add a little pizzazz to our meal and put a few garlic toasts in the oven so that everything can and will be done around or at the same time. If you decide to add garlic toast, breadsticks, or even a roll; let’s add our pasta noodles to the sauce. We do not want to overcook the noodles because you will be able to taste the difference; the sauce can only do so much. Let’s set the table as time begins to wind down for dinner to be served. Pour yourself a glass of the lovely dry white wine of your choice or that you cooked with earlier to add a little restaurant fancy to your meal.

Dinner is ready. Turn the stove off to not overcook the dish while you dine on your creation. This step is completely up to you but you can add some parmesan cheese on top of the pasta before or after you place it on the serving dishes such as plates or bowls (your preference). I suggest after you place it in the dishes to get the overall grand presentation, even garnish with a little bit of parsley to give off the appeal. Let’s admire the simple yet attention-seeking meal that you have just prepared. It did not require many ingredients or preparation just time (more so on the sauce). Go ahead and add this dish to your recipe book for those simple yet elegant nights that you want to do differently.

This dish gives the view to me that everything special and great takes time. Yes, it may not require on the outside all that you think but in the end, it will be amazing and worthwhile. Take your time, trust the process, be patient, and watch greatness prevail. Okay no more deep thought, it is time to dive into your masterpiece of a meal before it gets cold. Sit down and enjoy your meal.