The Best MAC N CHEESE Recipe: How to Make the Ultimate Comfort Food MAC N CHEESE is a classic comfort food that never goes out of style.
It’s cheesy, creamy, and oh-so-delicious. This blog post will teach you how to make the best Mac and Cheese recipe possible. We will go over all of the ingredients you need and provide step-by-step instructions on how to make it. So what are you waiting for? Start cooking!
How to Avoid grainy cheese sauce:

• The type of cheddar cheese you use is important.I like to use sharp cheddar or extra-sharp cheddar because it has more flavor than milder varieties of cheese. If you want a stronger flavor, opt for aged gouda instead! It’s delicious and adds another dimension in taste and gives the creamy texture an additional layer that will make your mouth water.

• You can use freshly grated cheese.

Pre-packaged cheese is often coated in powder to prevent it from sticking together, and this will make your sauce grainy. On the other hand, grated cheese will melt smoothly and give you a creamier sauce.

• Bring it to room temperature before adding it to the saucepan.

If you add cold cheese to a hot liquid, it will seize up and form clumps. By bringing the cheese to room temperature first, you avoid this from happening and ensure a smooth sauce.

• Use low heat and stir often.

If you cook the cheese sauce on too high of a heat, it will scorch and become grainy. Stirring often will help prevent this and ensure a smooth sauce.
• Don’t stir the cheese excessively.

It will break down into a clumpy mess.

How to Avoid having watery cheese sauce:

You need to allow the flour and butter (roux) to cook for at least one minute. This will remove that raw flour taste from your MAC N CHEESE recipe. If you add liquid before allowing it time on the heat, it will be watery and thin. If you add liquid after the roux has cooked -it will thicken up as needed without additional thickening agents.

How to Avoid a bland cheese sauce:

Use high-quality aged cheeses such as Gouda, Cheddar, or Gruyere. These varieties have a deeper flavor than their younger counterparts and will lend more character to your dish.

You can also add some spices like nutmeg, paprika, or cayenne pepper for an extra kick! If you don’t want any heat in your recipe, then try adding some garlic powder instead – it has its unique flavor that adds depth without being too spicy.

How to Avoid an overly thick cheese sauce:

The starch in rice flour absorbs moisture from the ingredients it comes into contact with, so if you use too much, then your dish will be dry and heavy on top of being grainy/thickened by starch granules in it.

You can use less of this type or omit altogether if desired -just note that your sauce will not be as smooth in texture after cooking time but still taste delicious!

How to Avoid having burnt cheese:

The best way to avoid this is by taking out the dish before it has completely melted, resulting in a burnt taste.

This can easily be done by transferring it to a serving dish as soon as the cheese has melted, and occasionally stirring while it’s still in the saucepan will help avoid any sticking or burning on the bottom.

How to Make your Cheese Sauce Creamy:

It’s always important not to overdo things when making macaroni and cheese because you don’t want it too dry or mushy in texture – so cook with care! For example, there are many different types of cheeses that can be used as the base for this dish, such as cheddar, gruyere (or gouda), parmesan, or even mozzarella.
The best way to achieve a creamy consistency is by using one kind at most two kinds of cheese and mixing them in equal amounts so that there’s no overwhelming flavor from any particular ingredient. This also prevents the sauce from becoming too thick.

Mac N Cheese Recipe

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Servings 5
Calories 560 kcal


  • 2 tbps Butter
  • ¼ Cup Flour (for a creamier sauce, use all-purpose flour instead)
  • 1 Cup Milk or Half and a half – one cup of either milk or half-and-half will give you more richness; this is optional if you’re using a higher quantity of cheese.
  • 1 Tsp Mustard (this can be omitted if desired, but it adds a nice kick!)
  • Salt and Pepper – salt as needed while cooking; pepper is added at the end for taste preference only. You should also add spices like nutmeg or paprika if desired!
  • 2 Cups Aged Gouda Cheese (or any other cheese of your preference)


  • Melt butter in a saucepan
  • Add the flour and whisk for about one minute until it’s smooth, then add salt to taste before pouring milk into the mixture so there won’t be any lumps from adding cold liquid directly onto hot ingredients.
  • Whisk continuously while heating up slowly - this will help prevent burning!
  • Add the cheese slowly while constantly stirring until melted and smooth.
  • Add mustard powder if desired, then taste test before adding any additional salt or pepper because aged goudas tend to be salty already, so you may not need as much seasoning here.
  • Add pasta water at the last minute for desired consistency.
  • Pasta water is starchy and will help thicken the cheese sauce. You only need about ¼ cup, but you can add more or less depending on how thick you want your sauce to be. Just make sure to add it gradually while stirring so that it doesn’t become lumpy.

And there you have it: The Best MAC N CHEESE Recipe!